These range from the annoying (texture pop-in and tearing) to the frustrating (textures disappearing below you) to the shocking (warping outside of cars at random and crashes that wipe out save games). Volition admitted before launch that Saints Row2woM not be bug-free -but, unbelievably, they've managed to create brand-new bugs, during the porting process. They've covered up a great game with lazy interfaces, a shocking amount of bugs, a lack of understanding of PC users, gaming, and seemed to have even failed to carry out basic testing. THQ and Volition should, frankly, be ashamed of themselves.
In other words, no matter how much brilliance is hiding behind it, the presentation is so off-putting it's impossible to ignore. If this review were an interview, Saints Row 2 is the misunderstood genius that turned up in ripped, stained jeans, a hoodie with "arses" written on it, and stinking of piss. At the very least you'll wash, wear a decent suit, put a brush through your hair, and answer questions with a degree of honesty.

Some were disappointed when the feature was dropped in the third and fourth instalment, especially since the customization options were otherwise expanded.When Going to a job interview, you want to look your best. Saints Row 2 is often lauded for allowing players to make their boss look however they desire, regardless of whether they are a man or a woman. Related: Saints Row's Genkibowl Is Part Of The Series' Perfect World Building Not only that, but the news also suggests that the wilder aspects of Saints Row 3 and 4's character creators will also return, potentially making this the most creative game in the series yet. Hairstyles, facial hair, build - everything is on the cards for everyone. In practice, this means that no character customization option is gated behind gender. Now, we know that its character creator will be no exception, as it's set to get the gender spectrum feature from Saints Row 2, allowing players to create a boss whose appearance is not limited by their chosen gender. Despite being a reboot, the new Saints Row game is drawing a lot of inspiration from its predecessors.